In 1966, beloved children's author Marguerite Henry wrote Mustang- Wild
Spirit of the West, in which she chronicled the journey of Wild Horse Annie
and her fight to save the mustangs from extinction. Frank T. Hopkins and his
beloved mustang, Hidalgo, worked toward similar purpose before her.
I was two, and already horse crazy. I grew up on these marvelous stories,
gritty Louis L'Amour books, and others to be equally fond of. As a teen, I spent
my summers on the back of a cutting horse that I dearly loved. I knew in my
heart that America was the most wonderful place to live, and richer because
of our equine friends and those who spoke for them, without whom, the
development of our nation would have been quite a different story.
In March of 2006, I was standing in a winery in Old Town Spring (Texas)
with my sister when I learned that I had been deceived all my life. The
horses have been betrayed. My heart might heal, but their lives remain in peril
even today. Until that day, I hadn't any idea that horse slaughter continued
in this country.
I challenge you to tell your children- or perhaps grandchildren- the truth
about why the noble, intelligent steed of their daydreams, movies, books,
and vital importance to our nation's history are so brutally treated.
Explain if you will, what likely happened to their show pony when he was
stolen, or the racehorse they rooted for. Why we put up statues, paint
portraits of them, and then send them to a horrific death. Share with them
why horses wind up on dinner plates overseas, when we don't eat horsemeat in
this country. Explain why foreign owned companies are operating at high
profits when this activity is not allowed in their own country. Dare to let
them know that not only are the "protected" mustangs not, that NO horse in
this country is safe from the auction and captive bolt. Speak to them about why
organizations that should be up in arms about this support it
enthusiastically, right along with over-breeding. Explain what a
Premarin/Prempro mare and her foal are. Why they are.
Tell them why officials elected to positions intended to represent their
constituents allow this uncivilized brutality to continue unchecked, despite public
outcry. Explain the stench in the air, the stains on the Earth in DeKalb, Kaufman,
and Dallas. Chronicle this for your children and grandchildren and do so with
pride. It is, after all, your legacy, too.
Know that when you’re through explaining, the nasty truth remains the same.
The horse, it seems, has made a grave error in trusting such "civilized"
humans. Yet he continues to do so with a loving heart. He can teach us much,
if we will only listen. I long for the day this nightmare ends, and ask you to
assist in the effort toward the end of this abomination. I will then again be able to
hold my head up when I explain where I'm from.
Labels: Animal Welfare
Beautifully said. We as American's allowed three Belgium owned companies to kill 100,000 of our horses last year and then send the meat overseas for human consumption. The French, Belgians, Italians and Japanese consider it a delicacy.
Because they are foreign owned, the companies pay no income tax to America. Yet they reap enormous profits when the sell our horse's flesh in Europe.
Each year, about 40,000 horses are stolen in America. Many of them end up in slaughter houses, sold for pennies on the pound. It's apparently quite profitable to steal, or clandestinely buy healthy, young, meaty horses for slaughter.
Many American's don't even know this practice exists on our soil.
Our horses are regularly medicated with dewormers, vaccinations and pain killers that are toxic to humans. The meat we are allowing to be exported is, quite frankly, loaded with toxins.
And make no mistake about it, there is nothing humane about slaughter. It's a terrifying end for a horse; a vicous and brutal death for the animals we've taught to trust us.
This atrocity must come to an end. Please call your Senators and US Representative and express your outrage.
For more information, please check out these websites:
Lor In PA, at 12:37 PM
It is high time that all Americans become more aware of the atrocities committed against horses in our country. Horse slaughter for human consumption abroad is a heartless and brutal practice for profits by a few; most of these horses are neither sick nor old and feeble. They are guilty of nothing other than being unwanted by an owner and kiiled to feed the exotic appetites of people in foreign countries. As the horse has given so much to our country it our duty and responsibilith to protect them. Our culture needs to reflect our tradional values of decency, compassion, fairness and justice. We must now stand up to Congress and persuade them to pass a law that will banish horse slaughter on our soil forever.
poochluv, at 5:10 PM
Horses are companion animals. People kiss their dogs and cats. I kiss my horses. The practice of horse slaughter just needs to stop. This is pure insanity.
Barb AZ, at 5:42 PM
Horse Slaughter is UNAMERICAN. It is cruel and inhumane. Horses have given their lives for us and we simply continue to betray them.
This bloody and barbaric industry is the truest form of betrayal as our horses have served us since the beginning of time. Horses have carried us through battle, tilled our fields, pulled our wagons and enriched our lives as friends and companions. They are an icon of our nation.
“In May 1986, millions watched as Ferdinand crossed the finish line to win the Kentucky Derby and a spot in horseracing immortality. But, the champion met a very mortal end with his run for the roses ending at a slaughterhouse in Japan. Ferdinand outlived his usefulness to the Japanese interests that owned him. They simply slaughtered him and ate him.”
It’s time for the 110th Congress to do the right thing and end horse slaughter once and for all. Call your Senators and Representatives, Call the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Reid and ask them if they have seen the videos? Post the Video link below when emailing them. Email the link to your family, friends, and in closings of all your letters to the editors, blogs, etc.
To learn more on this brutal practice, you can also log onto (video footage –,,, and (a grassroots movement inspired by the Kentucky Derby Winner Barbaro for the safety and welfare of all horses).
Debra, WI -
Anonymous, at 9:47 PM
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